Harvest is Ready

Harvest is Ready
John 4:35

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Continue to Pray!!!

We had some snow this week and some cold, windy weather. Due to weather not a whole lot of travel. However still able to make some phone connections with several people. One of the families that we had all asked you to pray for, Ruth is home but with kidney failure now has to go to Creston 3 times each week for dialysis. She is week and gets very cold often. Please pray for her and her husband as they travel the distance so often, and with the weather so up and down.
With the weather so up and down we have not been able to find a place where we can start Bible studies. Our waiting families are eager to start something but have not found any openings. Dan has been able to speak through phone calls with a couple of them. I have also been able to make connections with one lady through email and have been an encouragement through prayer and Bible verses.
Dan is beginning to go through records and editing and making programs for the Radio stations. He also has 1000's of Cd's he is going through and preparing his programs.
We had taken out a double/walk through closet and moved the wall, set up lighting so he could have a small study. There is has set up different recording equipment for tapes, records and cd's.
Dan had a visit with a doctor for his left wrist. He has been having problems with it for a long time but recently his hand goes numb and severe pain. So after a consultation, he will have surgery on the 19th. Please pray all goes well.
The 15th we go to Des Moines for a consultation for Dan's lower back. When the accident happened several lower disks in his back became crushed. He has endured severe pain, such that he has pretty much given up trying to walk with his prosthetics because of the pain. He also has electric shocks and pulses and then fire burning in his right stump. He does not always get sleep and with his rolling around and stuff I also suffer from lack of sleep. So please pray for this appointment as well.
Hannah celebrated her 7th birthday in January. She is so eager to grow up but I keep on reminding her enjoy each moment, live for Jesus and tell other about Him. She is doing well in her school work too. I was having a struggle getting her to "see" her Math but after consultation from different sources I have begun a new method in which she "see's" everything through Math, Cooking, cleaning, Book reading all is hands on and she is starting to grasp it. Love it when the lights come on!!
We are still praying for funds to meet each month's bills. We had hoped more churches would be encouraged to help us in the ministry the Lord has called us too. Just the regular bills alone has put us on a tight rope. We live only on Dan's SSI. It is a full time job for me to be there always for him. Whether moving things or lifting or whatever. I am his right hand "woman." There are times I am quite exhausted and don't always feel the greatest but I keep on just being there.
So please pray that the funds come in for gas, and bills, and also groceries. We were blessed last week from some people at church, Grace baptist Church, who denoted food for people in need!!!
We thank you for all your prayers and encouraging Words!!
The Singing McMurphy's